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By Anisa, Sri Puza, Dicta, Dini, Indah, Demi

Food is a source of energy for living things. To survive humans must eat and drink so they can go to work,

study, and play. However the food we eat can also be dangerous depending on what is in it. Now a lot of

people are interested in unhealthy foods because there are a lot of new kinds of food. Keep what we eat!

Why? Because, in our teenage years the food we eat is so important to our growth. But, at our school

there are a lot of sellers that sell unhealthy food because there are a lot of students who got interested.

The following are the effects of food and drink on health.

First, according to our source, the effect that we can feel from eat healthy food is not get sick easily,

smooth digestion system and much more. The bad effect of unhealthy food is stunting because, the food

we eat is did not have enough nutrition to fill our daily nutrient. Furthermore, one of our sources is

getting sore after drinking a sachet drink, even our other source was taken to the emergency room

because of a stomach ache after eating spicy food.

The second effect is that fast food is more effective for us because it is easier to make, but there are also

adverse impacts on the environment and health. This is because vast production ends up being dumped

anywhere, thus becoming pollution from waste products and the production machine that was used. The

resulting pollution is harmful to our breathing and may cause shortness of breath.

Third, one of our sources adopts a healthful lifestyle by consuming healthy food, so that her weight is

maintained in the normal category and she can do her activity as usual at an age that's no longer young.

She also suggested us to drink herbs, keeping healthy food intake with diet and nutrition, exercising,

doing positive to avoid stress.

Healthy food is a food with no substance such as alcohol or chemicals. The effect of alcohol is becoming

addictive and can cause health issues and excessive consumption can lead to death. Therefore we must

eat or drink a healthful drink and healthy food such as vegetables and fruit. When we go to school we

must bring snacks or food from home to maintain good health.

Lastly, spicy food is really bad for the digestion system, since spicy food can cause serious problems to our

digestion it can even cause death. One of them is a senior who died from a condition of her digestive

system. We must therefore refrain from eating spicy foods in order to prevent this from happening again.

Those are some effects of food we eat on health. There are a lot of good and bad effects depending on

what we eat. Junk food and fast food is unhealthy and undervalue nutrition because it does not have

enough vitamins and minerals, so it's better to avoid it. Otherwise vegetables, fruits, and meat is good for

health if the maker of it is correct, but if the maker is wrong it can be not good for health too. To survive

we need to eat and drink, but we still need to watch what we eat.


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