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By Nazwa, Tita, Qori, Luthfiyyah, Gustian, Refan

Environmental health is a science in achieving balance between the environment and humans. Environmental

management is a scheme for cleanliness, health, comfortable and safe conditions. Can be discussed about achieved

and protected from various kinds of diseases. Environmental health is also a branch of public health science that

covers all aspects of nature and the environment that affect human health. Environmental health focuses on

naturalness and the creation of an environment that provides benefits to humans.

A healthy environment will help us avoid diseases caused by an unhealthy environment, so we must keep

the environment clean from scattered rubbish and dispose of rubbish in its proper place.

A healthy environment is the foundation for the survival of humans and all creatures in this world. A

healthy and natural environment can also have a positive impact on human mental health, because it

provides a place to refresh the mind and relieve stress.

Health and the environment are very useful for all of us because they can create   a safer, cleaner and

healthier life , and calmer in carrying out daily activities 

Maintaining cleanliness can also create a healthy environment and avoid disease, the environment can also

be cooler, free from air pollution and make us calmer in carrying out daily activities. 

Something that is no less important is planting plants. Plants have many functions, namely as dust filters,

ground water storage, natural conditioning and cooling. Apart from that, plants can also be used as gardens

which will provide a beautiful and beautiful atmosphere to our surroundings.

That's how important it is for us to maintain the environment so that it becomes more orderly and neat so

that there is balance and harmony between the school environment and the natural surroundings , so we

can avoid accidents. 


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