Langsung ke konten utama


By. Syifa, Vika, Pitriyani, Neng Widiyanti, Saputera, M. Robby

Burning household garbage seems to have become commonplace for its purpose in eliminating

garbage. But as it turned out, instead of resolving the issue of garbage, burning trash was bad

enough. Not only is burning garbage harmful to the environment. But until now the burning of

garbage was an ongoing problem. There are still many societies that do not know how to handle

garbage properly. This garbage problem is largely due to mounting household garbage.

Contaminated air from the smoke that results from the burning of garbage is inhaled by man and

animals, stored in the ground, and exposed to the surface of the water and plants. The residue

of burning pollutes the soil and groundwater, so that it can enter the human food chain through

plants and livestock. The smoke produced by garbage cans contains dangerous chemicals that

can cause air pollution. Accumulated garbage can actually bring a lot of negativity to the


The burning of garbage can create toxic gas emissions, air pollution, toxic waste, land quality

reduction, contributions to climate change, effects on human health, and effects on bio


Respiratory disorders: emission of toxic gases such as sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and

carbon monoxide produced from the combustion of refuse can cause respiratory problems.Long-

term exposure can increase the risk of respiratory illnesses such as asthma and bronchitis.

Cardiovascular problem: the tiny particles found in the smoke when garbage is burning can get

into the circulatory system and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, including heart

disease and stroke.

Cancer: exposure to toxic chemical compounds secreted. During the combustion of garbage can

increase the risk of cancer.Some of the compounds released, such as benzene and polycyclic

bone hydrocarbons (pahs), can be carcinogenic.

Nervous system disorder: some chemicals produced from the combustion of garbage can affect

the human nervous system.Long-term exposure can cause neurological disorders and mental

health problems

Effect on children's health: children are more vulnerable to the effects of burning garbage

because their respiratory and immune systems are still developing.Exposure to pollutants can

lead to growth disorders, developmental disorders, and other health problems in children.

The negative effects of waste combustion include the release of greenhouse gases and air

pollutants, as well as the production of toxic residues that can damage the environment. These

contributions to climate change and environmental pollution make the burning of garbage into an

unsustainable method of management of trash.  

Therefore, steps are needed to reduce the burning of garbage, such as adopting safer recycling,

compost, and final disposal practices, to protect human health and ecosystems and to minimise

negative effects on climate.


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