By. Yuan, Aida, Anisa Anggraeni, Sari, Susan, Hadi, M. Ridwan
Dengue Fever is closely related to environmental clean lines and community Behavior.
Improving environmental health through basic sanitation is one of the goals of the millennium
health development goals (MDGS). The denser the population, the more rubbish.
Accumulates because there is less space or space to accommodate rubbish. As population
activities increase more and more waste is produced, for example in development activities,
trade industry and so on. The waste collection or disposal system used due to the habit of littering, bacterial infection can also lurk you. Diseases caused by bacterial infection that need to
be watched out for if environmental cleanliness is not maintained in clade diarrhea, leptospirosis,
typhoid fever, bubonic plague and shigellosis. The following are some of The negative impacts of
waste accumulation.
Polluting the environment besides polluting rivers, obstructing water processes can also pollute
the sole pose unhealthy habits, burning debris that reduces the effects of polluting in the
Bad smell accumulating garbage will long experience decomposition and produce gas
spreading in the air, resulting in a bad odor, a gas produced from the garbage degradation
Bringing a flood, why does garbage cause flooding? any garbage disposal can become a
clogged drain. left unchecked, this condition can cause litter and flooding, resulting in flooding.
so the rain water would flow down to a lower level and cause a flooding process. Brings a
variety of illnesses
Litter is carelessly discarded and allowed to trigger a variety of bacteria, viruses and parasites
that can carry disease each, food- borne diseases such as salmonella cigarettes, shigella
antibiotics, food poisoning on the staphylococcus, skin infection and tetanus - burning garbage
burning domestic litter, plastic, and painted wood is dangerous for the environment, as such
products release toxic chemicals that pollute the air, contaminated air from the smoke that
results from the burning of garbage is inhaled by man and animals, stored in the garbage, and
exposed to the surface of the water and plants
From the explanation above,the more waste that accumulates,the more disease nests there will
be which Will disrupt human we shouldn't try to throw rubbish carelessly,because
rubbish Will cause bacterial infections that Will lurk in us,it is necessary to be aware of this
disease caused of this disease caused by bacterial infection if the environment is clean not
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