By. Nurul, Alphan, Aulia, Anisa Yulianti, Anwar, Siti Mariam
Trees are living organisms that belong to the group of plants that have hard stems, branches, branches
and branches. The leaves that grow above the ground surface of trees have an important role in life and
the environment. There are various types of trees at SMAN I Cikalongwetan namely kalma tree, cypress
tree, bamboo Tree, etc. the following are the benefits of Trees for humans.
Plants provide a source of Food and medicine for humans, Fruit, Vegetables, grains and spices come from
plants. Many Plants also have medicinal properties that can be used in traditional or modern medicine to
improve human health
The benefit gained from the presence of plants and trees in A School is that it can make the environment
look healthier and also prevent flooding because the plants are free to absorb air.
Teak wood. This type of wood is much sought after in the world of Furniture and is expensive. This is
because teak wood is sturdy and Strong, long-lasting, resistant to mold, termites and other insects. Apart
From that, this wood has a decorative beauty with its smooth texture and attractive color as the wood
Another benefit of trees is that they avoid disasters such as floods because the roots are free to absorb
ground water, reducing surface flow and minimizing the risk of flooding.
Greenery plays an important role in preventing global warming plants carry out Photosynthesis which
produces carbon dioxide into oxygen which can reduce the level of greenhouse gas in the Atmosphere so
that if every school in Indonesia has plants and trees the oxygen that can be obtained will also increase
not only from forest
Overall, trees and plants have an important role in human life.They are not only a source of oxygen, but
also provide ecological, economic and welfare benefit.
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